Investment Strategies

Our firm is committed to preserving capital, managing risk and exceeding client expectations both in terms of service and long-term investment returns.


Steinberg Global Value Equity


Steinberg High Yield Fund

A High Income Opportunity in a Low Yield World


Steinberg Global Value Equity Fund

Capital Preservation is the Key

Steinberg Global Value Equity

The Steinberg Global Value Equity strategy seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in public companies that meet our strict investment criteria, and whose share price is trading at a discount to its intrinsic value.

Canadian Dividend Growth

The objective of the Canadian Dividend Growth strategy is to earn dependable dividend income with the potential for capital appreciation over time.  The strategy will invest in high-quality Canadian companies which pay a dividend, have a history of growing dividends, and are publicly traded. This strategy will be particularly advantageous in taxable accounts, where the Canadian dividend tax credit can be applied.

Steinberg High Yield Bonds

The Steinberg High Yield Bond strategy seeks to maximize total return by investing primarily in higher yielding corporate bonds and other securities. Our approach to the high yield market is consistent with the conservative, value–based investment philosophy that defines Lorne Steinberg Wealth Management.

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The Steinberg Equity strategies and Steinberg High Yield Bond Fund are offered through Managed Accounts or Subscription Agreement to investors. Please contact us for more information.

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